Isabel Riquelme Sur 1769, dpto. 43Maipú, Santiago, RM, Chile
I am Doctor in
Philosophy (received my degree at KU Leuven). My PhD thesis was on
modal epistemology, and I am currently working on a postdoc project on know-how (ANID FONDECYT/Postdoctorado 3220017).
2025, January 21
"How-possible models for impossibilities.", IV Workshop on Philosophy of Science, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
2024, December 3
"Saber cómo com fuente de fricción epistémica", XIX Congreso SIF, Montevideo, Uruguay
2024, September 4
"Know how and epistemic friction", XXIV Jornadas Rolando Chuaqui Kettlun, Valparaiso, Chile
2024, April 12
"Imagining how", Workshop: Llegando a saber como, Universidad de Chile
, 2024
"Some reflections on the question of AI science", XXII Jornadas Rolando Chuaqui Kettlun, Santiago, Chile
2023, October 9
"Group know-how is understanding-like", 3º Encontro Cognição & Linguagem, CLE UNICAMP, Campinas, Brasil
2023, July 25
"What the Tortoise should have asked Achilles", 17th CLMPST, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2023, June 6
"Alien questions and knowability", Workshop on the concept and scope of knowability, Leuven, Belgium
2023, May 26
"Know-how desde una perspectiva minimalista", IX Coloquio Lenguaje y Cognición, Santiago, Chile
2023, May 24
"Commentary on Zuzanna Rucinska "Do we perceive or do we imagine in virtual realities?"", Fourth Annual C.O.V.I.D. (online)
2022, October 21
"Compressing Graphs", CLPS Seminar, HIW, Leuven, Belgium
2022, October 17
"Modalizing Together", Issues on the (Im)Possible, Tilburg, Netherlands
2022, October 5
"What is that Question? On Holding an Epistemic Relation to a Question", XXII Jornadas Rolando Chuaqui Kettlun, Santiago, Chile
2022, August 2
"What is that Question? Knowledge of Questions vs Knowledge of things", #Summerschool 2022
2022, July 22
"Modalizing in Musical Performance (poster)", SPP/ESPP Conference, Milan, Italy (online participation)
2022, June 30
"Calibrating and Bootstrapping Modal Judgment", IV Blasco Disputatio, Universidad de Valencia, Spain.
2022, May 24
"Commentary on Sofia Ortiz-Hinojosa "Can Daydreaming Too Much Constitute a Pathology of Its Own?"", Third Annual C.O.V.I.D.
2022, April 21
"The Content of Understanding as Compressed Graphs", 4th Scientific Understanding and Representation (SURe) Workshop, New York, USA (online)
2021, December 2
"Modal Judgement in Musical Performance", (with Giulia Lorenzi) PG WIP Seminar, Warwick, UK.
2021, October 22
"Disyunción y Topicalidad", XXI Jornadas Rolando Chuaqui Kettlun, Universidad de Santiago, Santiago, Chile.
2021, September 2
"Contemporary Concepts of Knowability", (with Jan Heylen) Knowability and the Limits of Knowledge, Leuven, Belgium (online)
2021, August 4
"The Search for Know-How", #Summerschool
2021, June 23
"The Dynamics of Daydreaming in a Ballistic Model", Extremes of Mind-Wandering Conference, University of Edinburgh, Online.
2021, April 19
"things that slowly fill all there ever was", MMRN 1st Annual Conference, Music and Adversity (poster session)
2020, November 6
"Counterpossibles in Games and Subject Matters for Counterpossibles", CLPS Seminar, Leuven, Belgium
2020, August 27
"Subject matter for counterpossibles", ECAP 10, Utrecht (Online).
2019, August 27-30
""Imagined, supposed and impossible ways" (individual presentation) & "Counterfactual knowability, once again" (with Jan Heylen)", XX Jornadas Rolando Chuaqui Kettlun, Santiago, Chile.
2019, July 19-21
"What about the bees? Generality and holism in geometry and modality", Open session of the Joint Session, Durham.
2019, July 11-12
"Musical attentiveness' modal aspect", Session on A Musical Matter of Mind at the MPSG 2019, London.
2019, May 30-31
"Modality and circularity", Conference Modal Metaphysics: Issues on the (Im)possible VII, Bratislava
2019, May 23-24
"Imagined and supposed ways", Conference Learning from Imagination, Leeds
2018, November
"On the question of the indispensability of modal thought", IX Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Madrid, Spain.
2018, October
"Accounting for the structure of modal knowledge", CLPS Seminar, Leuven.
2018, September
"On the global embedding problem for modal expressivism", Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy 2018, Salzburg, Austria.
2018, June
"Non-assertion and modality - from Pyrrho to some contemporary debates", CLPS-DWMC Symposium, Leuven.
2018, January
"On the indispensability of modal thought", First Leuven-Paris Anaytic Philoophy Workshop, Leuven.
2017, September
"Boundaries for Williamsonian epistemologies of modality", CLAW-CEFISES Workshop, Leuven, Belgium.
2017, July
"Knowing (how I can) and counterfactual success", Varieties of Knowing How Workshop, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany.
2017, April
"Knowing what is possible atemporally and at all times", 7th Annual Graduate Student Conference, HIW KU Leuven, Belgium.
2016, July
"Attributions of misunderstanding and the context-sensitivity of understanding", European Epistemology Network Conference, Paris, France.
"Posibilidades más allá de los fenómenos", I Congreso Internaciona Kant y el Criticismo\: Presente, Pasado, ¿Futuro?, Santiago, Chile.
"Experimentos mentales, comprensión y la tesis de la pluralidad lógica", XIV Jornadas Rolando Chuaqui Kettlun, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
"Descartes y la relación entre la concebibilidad y la afirmabilidad de lo posible", III Congreso Nacional de Filosofía, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile.
"Entendimiento y juicios de posibilidad", IV Coloquio Lenguaje y Cognición, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
"¿Se apunta a la verdad cuando se afirman juicios de posibilidad?", II Congreso Nacional de Filosofía, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.
"Metafilosofías escépticas a la Wittgenstein y a la Moore", Coloquio de Estudiantes de Filosofìa Analítica, Universidad Católica de Valparaiso, Valparaíso, Chile
"Sobre cierta resistencia de la imaginación", Congreso Bicentenario, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
"Sobre el fallo de los experimentos mentales", I Congreso Nacional de Filosofía, Santiago, Chile.