
2025, January 21
"How-possible models for impossibilities.", IV Workshop on Philosophy of Science, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
2024, September 4
"Know how and epistemic friction", XXIV Jornadas Rolando Chuaqui Kettlun, Valparaiso, Chile.
2024, April 12
"Imagining how", Workshop: Llegando a saber como, Universidad de Chile.
2023, October 9
"Group know-how is understanding-like", 3º Encontro Cognição & Linguagem, CLE UNICAMP, Campinas, Brasil.
2023, May 26
"Know-how desde una perspectiva minimalista", IX Coloquio Lenguaje y Cognición, Santiago, Chile.
2022, October 21
"Compressing Graphs", CLPS Seminar, HIW, Leuven, Belgium.
2022, October 17
"Modalizing Together", Issues on the (Im)Possible, Tilburg, Netherlands.
2022, June 30
"Calibrating and Bootstrapping Modal Judgment", IV Blasco Disputatio, Universidad de Valencia, Spain..
2022, April 21
"The Content of Understanding as Compressed Graphs", 4th Scientific Understanding and Representation (SURe) Workshop, New York, USA (online).
2021, June 23
"The Dynamics of Daydreaming in a Ballistic Model", Extremes of Mind-Wandering Conference, University of Edinburgh, Online..
2020, November 6
"Counterpossibles in Games and Subject Matters for Counterpossibles", CLPS Seminar, Leuven, Belgium.
2020, August 27
"Subject matter for counterpossibles", ECAP 10, Utrecht (Online)..
2019, May 30-31
"Modality and circularity", Conference Modal Metaphysics: Issues on the (Im)possible VII, Bratislava.
2019, May 23-24
"Imagined and supposed ways", Conference Learning from Imagination, Leeds.
2018, November
"On the question of the indispensability of modal thought", IX Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Madrid, Spain..
2018, October
"Accounting for the structure of modal knowledge", CLPS Seminar, Leuven..
2018, June
"Non-assertion and modality - from Pyrrho to some contemporary debates", CLPS-DWMC Symposium, Leuven..
2017, July
"Knowing (how I can) and counterfactual success", Varieties of Knowing How Workshop, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany..